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Observados os dispositivos do art. 6º da DELIBERAÇÃO 001/76, será defendida no dia 09 de maio de 2024, às 10h00min, em reunião realizada por meios de comunicação remota, a TESE DE DOUTORADO intitulada Experimental and numerical investigation of damage and stress transfer mechanisms in cement materials do(a) aluno(a) MARCELLO CONGRO DIAS DA SILVA, candidato(a) ao grau de Doutor em Engenharia Civil.

A Comissão Julgadora constituída pela DESIGNAÇÃO Nº 20974/03/2024 é formada pelos seguintes membros:


Nome Titulação Afiliação Obs.
1 Deane de Mesquita Roehl Doutor / Universitaet Stuttgart PUC-Rio Orientador(a) e Presidente
2 Janine Domingos Vieira Doutor Doutor / UFRJ UFF Co-Orientador(a)
3 Flávio de Andrade Silva Doutor / PUC-Rio PUC-Rio Co-Orientador(a)
4 Murillo Vinicius Bento Santana Doutor / PUC-Rio INSA Rennes
5 Lourdes Maria Silva de Souza Doutor / TU DELFT  PUC-Rio
6 Luís Antônio Guimarães Bitencourt Júnior Doutor / USP USP
7 Oscar Aurelio Mendoza Reales Doutor / UFRJ UFRJ
8 Andreia Abreu Diniz de Almeida Doutor / PUC-Rio  UFF Suplente
9 Guilherme Chagas Cordeiro Doutor / COPPE-UFRJ UENF Suplente


The interaction between cement and other constituents plays an important role in several engineering applications, such as in the construction and oil and gas (O&G) industries. In the construction industry, fiber-reinforced cementitious composites (FRC) have gained wide prominence for their excellent mechanical properties. Fibers can increase the post-cracking strength of the composite, improving concrete durability and controlling crack propagation in the cement matrix. Moreover, they perform a bridging mechanism at the interface, changing the material post-peak behavior. On the other hand, in the O&G industry, cement and steel are essential structural elements that should ensure well integrity and provide zonal isolation. This interaction is considered critical since a strong bond may prevent the generation of microannulus leakage paths along the cement and steel interface, which also can lead to crack propagation. In this sense, a comprehensive study of the damage mechanisms developed at the cement interface is essential in both applications to understand the material mechanical behavior. Therefore, it is possible to develop finite element models that consider the pullout mechanisms (debonding, adhesion, and friction) and the interface parameters that govern the local mechanical behavior of cement. While numerous experimental studies and numerical models exist, the current state-of-the-art lacks formulations investigating damage mapping and stress transfer interactions at the cement interface, particularly considering different cement matrix types and steel fiber geometries. This thesis addresses a critical gap in the literature by proposing the numerical modeling of interfacial debonding and damage evolution mechanisms for cement advanced materials and well integrity applications. Elastoplastic finite element models, incorporating surface-based cohesive formulations with contact, are employed to simulate cement interface behavior. Additionally, mechanical characterization tests and microCT analyses are conducted to validate and support the numerical model results, assessing shear strength and damage propagation at the cement interface. Therefore, this research can offer insights for engineers across disciplines to enhance mechanical performance and prototype new advanced materials by damage evolution simulations. The developed FE models emerge as valuable tools for cost-effective evaluation of cement interface performance through reliably simulating pullout/shear behaviors.

Link para a defesa:
ID: 912 1380 5656
Senha: 227514


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