Requirements for Title

Master's degree

a) Complete a minimum of 24 credits in mandatory and elective postgraduate courses, according to the course's curricular structure, with an accumulated performance of no less than seven in all subjects and no less than six in each subject separately.

b) Have passed the English Language Proficiency Exam (LET3101). Alternatively, present an English course certificate at an intermediate or advanced level or the following proof: TOEFL/IBT – minimum of 71 points valid for 2 years; TOEFL/ITP – minimum of 527 points valid for 2 years; IELTS Academic – grade 6 (with a minimum grade of 5 in listeningreadingwritingspeaking) valid for 2 years; CAMBRIGDE EXAM – CAE or FCE – B2 without expiry date

c) Have passed CIV3021 – Undergraduate Teaching Internship (Master’s) – 1 cr.

d) Present, defend and have been approved in a Master's Thesis (CIV3000).

e) Deliver the final volume of the dissertation within the deadline established by the Examining Board, respecting the maximum deadlines established by the University. In the Acknowledgments section of the final volume of the dissertation, it is mandatory to cite Capes' support for the development of the research, regardless of whether or not you received a grant from the agency. The citation must be made in the following terms: “This work was carried out with the support of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel – Brazil (Capes) – Financing Code 001”.

f) Having passed the subject CIV3009 – Scientific Production in the Master's Degree, presenting to the Postgraduate Coordination, you must present to the Postgraduate Coordination one of the following products, related to the dissertation:

    • copy of complete technical article, approved by the supervising professor and referring to the master's thesis, submitted to a journal with an impact factor > 1,0 (ref. JCR from Clarivate Analytics) or compatible with level B4 or higher in the Engineering I area of ​​Qualis /Capes (most current).
    • patent filing.
    • computer program deposit.

In either case, the student must be the 1st author of the work and the main supervisor must be one of the co-authors.

Doctoral Program

a) Complete a minimum of 48 credits in mandatory and elective postgraduate courses, according to the course's curricular structure, with an accumulated performance of no less than seven in all subjects and no less than six in each subject separately. The use of credits obtained in the Master's course must be requested from CCAR – Central Coordination of Admission and Registration by the end of the first semester of the student's enrollment in the Doctorate course. List of mandatory subjects:

b) Have passed the English Language Proficiency Exam (LET3106). Alternatively, present an advanced level English course certificate or the following proof: TOEFL/IBT – minimum of 71 points valid for 2 years; TOEFL/ITP – minimum of 527 points valid for 2 years; IELTS Academic – grade 6 (with a minimum grade of 5 in listeningreadingwritingspeaking) valid for 2 years; CAMBRIGDE EXAM – CAE or FCE – B2 without expiry date

c) Have passed CIV3030 – Undergraduate Teaching Internship (Doctorate) – 1 cr – and CIV3031 – Undergraduate Teaching Internship (Doctorate) – 0 cr.

d) Present, defend and have been approved in a Doctoral Thesis (CIV3001).

e) Have completed the Extension Project discipline (CIV3210).

f) Submit the final volume of the dissertation within the deadline established by the Examining Board, respecting the maximum deadlines established by the University. In the Acknowledgments section of the final volume of the thesis, it is mandatory to cite Capes' support for the development of the research, regardless of whether or not you received a grant from the agency. The citation must be made in the following terms: “This work was carried out with the support of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel – Brazil (Capes) – Financing Code 001”.

g) Have passed the subject CIV3010 – Scientific Production in the Doctorate, presenting to the Postgraduate Coordination Postgraduate Coordination one of the following sets of products, related to the thesis:

    • copy of two complete technical articles, approved by the supervising professor and referring to the doctoral thesis, one of which must be accepted for publication or published in a journal, and the other submitted, accepted for publication or published in a journal of equal or higher quality.
    • copy of a complete technical article, approved by the supervising professor and referring to the doctoral thesis, accepted for publication or published in a journal, and a patent deposit (or application for registration of a computer program).

The student must be the 1st author of the work and the supervisor must be one of the co-authors. Journals must have an impact factor > 1,0 (ref. JCR from Clarivate Analytics) or must be compatible with level B2 or higher in the Engineering I area of ​​Qualis/Capes (most current).