Professional Master's Degree in Urban and Environmental Engineering
Classes have a multidisciplinary and highly qualified teaching staff. They take place in person, from Monday to Thursday, from 19:30 pm to 22:30 pm at PUC-Rio – Campus da Gávea, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 3rd floor of the Cardeal Leme Building. In total, there are 24 credits (corresponding to 360 class hours) distributed over 4 academic semesters. Eventually, some classes may also be taught on Fridays, according to the class schedule distributed to students at the beginning of the academic semester.
Additional information can be accessed through the website:
- Antonio Krishnamurti (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering)
- Cristiano Saad (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering)
- Flávio Silva (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering)
- José Araruna (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering)
- Ana Cristina Malheiros (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering) -
- Antonio Krishnamurti (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering) -
- Cristiano Saad (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering) -
- Ernani de Souza Costa (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering) -
- Flávio Silva (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering) -
- Gabriel Sales (Biology Department) -
- Izabella Lentino (Department of Architecture and Urban Planning) -
- José Araruna (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering) -
- Marcelo Bezerra (Department of Architecture and Urban Planning) -
- Maria Fernanda Lemos (Department of Architecture and Urban Planning) -
- Rafael da Silva Nunes (Department of Geography and Environment) -
- Rafael Soares Gonçalves (Department of Social Services) -
- Richieri A. Sartori (Department of Biology) -
- Rodrigo Flora Calili (Department of Electrical Engineering) -
- Valéria Pereira Bastos (Department of Social Services) -
PUC-Rio has different laboratories that can be accessed by students of the Professional Master's Degree in Urban and Environmental Engineering to develop their academic activities, such as preparing dissertations. Below, the main laboratories of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Research lines
- Urban planning and sustainability.
- Environmental technologies.
- Infrastructure and sustainability.
1st Semester – August to December 2024
- LET3101 – English Language Proficiency Exam (0cr)
- URB2603 – Sanitary Engineering (2cr)
- URB2606 – Energy (2cr)
- URB2634 – Waste Management (2cr)
- URB2635 – Urban Ecosystems (2cr)
2nd Semester – March to July 2025
- IND2508 – Transport Systems (3cr)
- URB2601 – Geographic Information Systems (2cr)
- URB2611 – Administration and Sociology (2cr)
- URB2630 – Urban Planning and Sustainability I (2cr)
- URB2632 – Natural Resources (2cr)
- URB2636 – Life Cycle Analysis in the Urban and Environmental Context (2cr)
- URB2696 – Research Project (2cr)
3st Semester – August to December 2025
- URB2631 – Urban Planning and Sustainability II (4cr)
- URB2633 – Project in Natural Resources (4cr)
4nd Semester – March to July 2026
- URB3000 – Master’s Thesis (0cr)
- URB3001 – Scientific Production (0cr)
Registration Periods:
June 1st until July 28th, for the course to start in August.
October 1st until November 26th, for the course to start in March of the following year
The course must be paid in 24 (twenty-four) successive monthly installments of R$ 1.850,00 (one thousand, eight hundred and fifty reais), the first being in August 2024. For former students of PUC-Rio there will be a discount of 5 % for payment in installments or 10% for payment in cash (for payment in cash we consider the full payment for the semester). Discounts for corporate groups may apply.
Due to the professional nature of the master's course, there is no possibility of granting scholarships from research funding agencies such as Capes, CNPq or Faperj or exemption from payment fees from PUC-Rio.
Notice and Online Registration:
For access to the full notice and the online registration system click here.
Service via WhatsApp:
(21) 97670-2435
Service via email:
Telephonic service:
(21) 3527-1194 / (21) 3527-1190
Personal assistance:
Gávea Campus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 3rd floor of the Cardeal Leme Building, from 8:30 am to 16:00 pm, Monday to Friday.
Access to the PUC-Rio Central Postgraduate and Research Coordination website:
What is the enrollment period?
The course receives applications from new candidates to begin in March or August of each year. Consult the public notices about the registration periods for each semester.
How much is the registration fee?
The fee to participate in the selection process is R$ 100,00 (one hundred reais).
What criteria are adopted to select candidates?
Professional experience; academic transcript of the undergraduate course; letters of recommendation from former teachers or professionals; Curriculum Vitae; knowledge of the English language; interviews, if necessary.
Is it necessary to present a work plan for the selection process?
No, this is done based on the criteria above.
How many vacancies are offered annually?
There is no fixed number of places, which depend on the number of students selected, the total number of students already enrolled in the program and the availability of guidance from teachers.
Can registration for selection for the Master's Degree be done before completing the Undergraduate course?
Yes, but the student's acceptance is conditional on the presentation of a declaration from the University of origin with the date of graduation, until the last day of enrollment in the Master's course.
Can the selected student defer enrollment to the next or subsequent year?
No. Selection into the postgraduate program is specific to the academic year for which the candidate applied. If you wish to be accepted for another year, you must submit a new application.
Under what conditions can the student be removed from the postgraduate program?
In any of the following cases:
a) obtain, in any period, a yield coefficient (CR) lower than 6;
b) obtain, in two consecutive periods, a performance coefficient (CR) lower than 7;
c) fails for the second time in the same subject.
What level of knowledge of the English language is expected of postgraduate students?
Professional Master's students must have sufficient knowledge of the English language (oral and written comprehension). Additionally, to grant the Master's degree, students are also required to pass the Foreign Language Proficiency Exam (English), administered every six months by the course coordinator (LET3101).
What are the subject times?
Postgraduate subjects are taught in the evening (19pm to 22:20pm), from Monday to Thursday (exceptionally also on some Fridays).
What is the total workload of postgraduate courses?
This is a stricto sensu in-person postgraduate course with 24 postgraduate credits (corresponding to 360 class hours) in 4 academic semesters. In addition to passing the subjects, with a cumulative performance coefficient of no less than 7 in all subjects, the student must prepare, present and defend a master's thesis (URB3000). The granting of a master's degree also requires proof of scientific and technical-technological production following criteria established in the program regulations.
Can a student apply for a scholarship?
No. Due to the professional nature of the master's course, there is no possibility of granting scholarships through research funding agencies such as Capes, CNPq, FAPERJ.
If I would like more information about the course, who should I contact?
Candidates can contact us via email: or telephone (21) 3527-1188 / 1197, or via the WhatsApp number (21) 97670-2435 (the WhatsApp number does not receive calls, only text messages). Additionally, you can attend the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at PUC-Rio (Rua Marquês de São Vicente 225 – Gávea), from Monday to Friday, between 08:00 am and 16:00 pm.