Undergraduate Research Project

Scientific Initiation aims to provide the student with their first contact with scientific research, contributing to the development of skills that will be important during their future academic or professional career such as curiosity, initiative, critical spirit, autonomy, discipline, organization, patience, habit of reading and communication and argumentation skills. The student's research project is conducted under the guidance of an experienced researcher affiliated with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. To participate in a scientific initiation project, the student must contact a research professor who works in their area of ​​interest.

Scientific initiation can be carried out voluntarily or with the receipt of a grant, linked to a project by the supervising professor or granted by research funding agencies such as CNPq and FAPERJ. To apply for a scholarship from a funding agency, the student must be aware of the program calendar and comply with the minimum requirements, available at:

Scientific initiation does not replace the supervised internship, but it can be considered as a complementary activity, as long as it is duly proven (http://www.ccpe.ctc.puc-rio.br/AtividadesComplementares/AtividadesComplementares.aspx). Examples of recent work can be found below or on the page http://www.puc-rio.br/pibic/.

Technological and Industrial Initiation

While in scientific initiation the student works on research aimed at generating knowledge, in technological and industrial initiation they have the opportunity to apply existing knowledge in the development of a product, process or service for the market. Application and selection follow a similar procedure to that described above. To apply for a scholarship from a funding agency, the student must pay attention to the program calendar: