Supervised internship

The Supervised Internship is a mandatory curricular component, as established by the National Curricular Guidelines (DCNs) for Engineering Courses. The objective of the internship is to provide the student with an immersion experience in a professional environment, enabling contact with market professionals and practical Engineering activities.

The internship must last a minimum of 160 hours and the student can only enroll in a Supervised Internship after completing a minimum of 160 credits. The internship period carried out after completing the minimum of 160 credits and before the student is enrolled can be used retroactively and provided that the student has all supporting documentation. Extension, monitoring and scientific or technological initiation activities do not replace the supervised internship.

The internship must be supervised by an engineer or architect with valid professional registration. The activities carried out during the internship must be associated with the usual technical duties of the profession of a Civil Engineer. If in doubt, contact the course coordinator.

At the end, the student must submit a written report describing the activities carried out, prepared in accordance with ABNT standards. The report must be duly signed by the internship supervisor. It is also required to provide additional documentation such as an internship contract and declaration of hours. General guidelines, forms and models are provided by the course coordinator at the beginning of each semester, via Moodle.
For more information, the Internship Law can be found at the link below: