Model Office

O Model Office for Undergraduate Courses in Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) is a space dedicated to carrying out teaching, research and extension projects and activities linked to the respective undergraduate courses. Its main objective is to provide students with technical, social and civic training, through practical actions within the community, sharing the knowledge and technology generated by the university.

The specific objectives of the Model Office include:

  • Provide assistance to the less favored part of society, exposing students to the social reality of these communities and enabling them to become agents of change, contributing to improving the quality of life and the built environment.
  • Carry out extension work aimed at collective benefit, serving a wide spectrum of beneficiaries, including individuals and legal entities who seek services directly at the Modelo Office or through associations, philanthropic entities, neighborhood councils and other community organizations.
  • Support city halls, government agencies, non-profit entities, the internal community of PUC-Rio and companies, according to the established criteria.
  • Promote integration between students from different classes and periods, through participation in teaching, research and extension projects.
  • Facilitate students' contact with professionals, teachers and students from different areas of knowledge, given the multidisciplinary nature of the work to be developed.
  • Involve beneficiaries in all stages of the projects, ensuring social mobilization and the development of proposals that meet the needs and aspirations of the community.
  • Carry out studies, diagnoses and advise on the implementation of solutions to identified problems, from preliminary studies to the operational phase.
  • Develop permanent research activities in popular housing, socioeconomic sustainability and other areas relevant to the courses.

Some of the projects already carried out by the Modelo Office include:

  • as-is project on the 1st floor of the Cardeal Leme Building, at PUC-Rio.
  • Mapping environmental risks at PUC-Rio.
  • Hydrological studies in Rio Rainha to assist demands from the City of Rio de Janeiro.
  • Mapping of pathological manifestations in laboratories and rooms at PUC-Rio.

The student selection process will be carried out every six months, with the number of vacancies defined by the Undergraduate Council, according to the service demand. The process will be announced at least 15 days in advance, through the university's communication channels. Selection criteria will consider students' academic performance, followed by interviews with selected candidates. Previous experience is not necessary.

Participating students must be regularly enrolled in undergraduate courses in Civil Engineering or Environmental Engineering. Each student will be able to work in the office for a period of six months, with the possibility of extension for another six months, subject to exceptional evaluation. The weekly dedication required will be 15 hours, with remuneration in accordance with the rates established by PUC-Rio.

Students will work under the supervision of professors and engineering professionals, and participation in the Model Office may be counted as a supervised internship.