Accredited Teachers
The following professors are currently accredited to provide guidance in the Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering:
Professor | Training | Researcher / CNPq | FAPERJ |
Alessandro Cirone | PUC-Rio, 2020 | - | - |
Anthony Krishnamurti | COPPE/UFRJ, 2022 | - | - |
Daniel cardoso | COPPE/UFRJ, 2014 | 1D | JCNE |
Deane Roehl | University Stuttgart, 1994 | 1B | CNE |
Elisa Sotelino | Brown University, 1990 | 1C | - |
Euripedes Vargas Jr. | Imperial College, 1982 | 1A | CNE |
Flavio Silva | COPPE/UFRJ, 2009 | 1C | CNE |
José Araruna Jr. | Newcastle University, 1995 | - | - |
Lourdes Souza | TU Delft, 2016 | 2 | JCNE |
Luiz Fernando Martha | Cornell University, 1989 | 1C | CNE |
Marina Corte | UFRGS, 2020 | - | JCNE |
Paulo Gonçalves | COPPE/UFRJ, 1987 | 1A | CNE |
Raquel Velloso | PUC-Rio, 2012 | - | - |
Sydney Paciornik | PUC-Rio, 1988 | 2 | CNE |
JCNE: Young Scientist of Our State
CNE: Scientist of Our State
More academic information about teachers can be obtained through the platform Quem@PUC or through the menu Personal, in this website.