Candidate for the Degree: PhD in Civil Engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)

Title: Mechanical Behavior Of Ultralight Bamboo Structures With Flexible Joints Under Short-And Long-Term Loadings

Data: 27 September 2024

Working Hours: 10:00

Virtual Room:

Meeting ID: 915 9716 5415
Password: 643620


Ultralight bamboo structures with flexible joints are a novel development committed to sustainability in Civil Engineering. A self-supporting constructive system using bamboo culms joined by textile ropes and biocomposites was designed, fabricated, and analyzed experimentally in the scope of this thesis. A multi-scale experimental program, considering material, element, joint, and structure levels, was carried out as follows: the anatomy of the bamboo culm was analyzed through Optical Microscopy and Digital Image Processing to select its most representative portion; the elastic properties of bamboo and textile ropes were investigated through short-term static tests; the creep behavior of bamboo culms under long-term bending loadings was studied and described through a 398-day test considering different loading le-vels; the behavior of the main flexible joint developed was mechanically described, and, finally, an experimental prototype in a 1:3 scale subjected to a 43-day static test allowed to predict the mechanical behavior of self-supporting space frames under symmetric and asymmetric sustained loadings until reaching collapse. A computer model using the Finite Element Method (FEM) was developed in accordance with the behavior described by the physical model. The results demonstrate the potential of the constructive system for its application in bio-based engineering structures, providing scientific and technical data for disseminating ultralight bamboo structures in the building industry, showing their strengths, aspects to be corrected, and recommendations for improvement and further development .